Thursday 18 July 2013

Greetings, construction, and first post on the new blog.

So we are settled now in Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia. We managed to get a nice tiny house for us to live in, but unfortunately it doesn't allow me to set up the studio in a sense where I can bring people to me and record. That being said, I have all of my recording gear from Victoria unpacked and hooked up so I can be portable, and not to mention the halls and churches-turned-community-centre that exist around here offer absolutely great rates.

Everything is still under construction for now, but over the coming months I will be posting samples of some of the bands and projects that have come through Suðrheim and are being released out into the world. Along with this will be updates involving pricing, rates, and portability.

We also now have a facebook page:

The future looks great!

- Chase